If You Could See Inside...

Friday, September 22, 2006


So about a month ago, I posted an entry explaining how lost I felt. That feeling has since diminished. Sort of. I'm starting to realize that life may not be about being "lost" or being "found", maybe it's just about the ability to be at peace with where you are. And I think if that you can achieve that feeling, everything else will eventually work out. I don't think I ever understood the real idea behind being "found". What does being found really mean? If someone could provide some insight, I'd love to hear it. I know that I never thought my life would be the way it has been (for those of you who know me - I don't think any of us planned any of this), but I think I am where I'm supposed to be (for the moment). I think a big part of life has to do with timing, and if you look around, and realize some really important things just happen to fall into place, you're probably on the right track. Everyday, the idea that we meet and lose people at specific times is strongly reinforced in my life, especially the past few months.

Everyone has their sob story, issue(s), baggage, crap, whatever you want to call it. There's only so long you can let that bring you down. You can either let it mold who you are, or you can take it, and use it to mold yourself. This is one reason I don't think anyone has any business judging eachother (I am admittedly being a hypocrite right now); you never know anyone's full story, so how can you really pass judgement? I'm not saying we all have to be so accepting of eachother and hold hands and sing, but maybe we should all just calm the hell down and deal with eachother, I think we'd all be surprised at who the quirky quiet girl sitting in the corner really is.


At 9:43 AM , Blogger Danielle said...

Being "found" is realizing that you don't have to have the answers mon cherie!


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