If You Could See Inside...

Sunday, August 05, 2007

The Man in the Moon

Think back to when you were a child, or rather, if you're like alot of the people that I encounter, think back to when it was still acceptable to act like a child. You probably had lots of kid stuff, and perhaps you had some kind of article that had a moon with a smile. Kinda creepy, yes, but still kind of cool. I always wondered why the man in the moon had a smile on his face.

This has alot to do with fate. My life has been changed drastically in the last few days, I'll spare you the details. But it has made me think a great deal about timing, people, and decisions. I wonder if X hadn't happened the way it did, if Y would have turned out the way it is. Point X and Point Y can be spread years apart, and I have been wondering if they had a significant impact on eachother. Anyone reading this could easily roll their eyes and say of course everything is relative, but really think about this. Really small seemingly insignificant events happening years before suddenly coming back in a way you NEVER expected. Even events that happen in a short period of time but seem unrelated, really aren't. I attribute getting the job I currently have on an unrelated interview with a man who was missing a finger (I saw it and made a face, I knew I wasn't getting the job), and now this job has strangely changed my life through the course of other events. All due to the lack of an index finger? I don't think so.

I think the man in the moon has a smile on his face because he looks down at the world and knows we're okay, or eventually we will be. Fate allows us to be okay. Sure we make decisions, but they're always part of a bigger plan. We can't sit in our bedrooms and wait for fate to take over, we have to keep our lives going and make decisions. Just as long as we keep on keeping on, I like to have faith that it's part of something much larger, something that was supposed to be. I just hope all the control freaks, myself included, get the memo and take it into account before we all lose our minds :)


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