Screw "The Man"
This is going to be a rant, I'm not going to lie to you. But it won't be cynical, that I will promise you.
I've been preaching that "all we have is eachother". That's bullshit. If we're lucky, we have eachother. All we really have is ourselves at the end of the day. And if this is the case, and I truly suspect it is, we better like ourselves, and I fear that many of us, in fact, do not. Society preaches that we need to love ourselves, but in turn, society is a hypocrite because it embraces the negative. So while society seems to be telling us to love ourselves, it is covertly telling us to focus on the negative. I see this all the time, just turn on the news.
Weak people surround me, including when I look in the mirror. But I'm done. At some point, you have to make a choice not to succumb to all of the bullshit society suggests. Just because it is what they suggest does not make it so, society has not taken over Descartes' identity. Society does not have to make you bitter and cynical, but you have to make the choice to not let it.
I've had enough things lately that are not working in my favor. I'm not trying to give you my sob story, I'm saying that I'm making a choice right now not to let this stop me from what I want. Right now, I just want to keep going and like myself. Maybe society suggesting we need to either love or hate ourselves is just too extreme. I'm making the choice to work in my own favor, and have that be enough to keep me going. Perhaps you should do the same, and if others aren't with you, then maybe you just don't have room for them.
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