If You Could See Inside...

Sunday, October 01, 2006

Shades of the City, Shards of the Country

I visited NYU, I fell in love, period. It's amazing how this huge, amazing world, is just a mere 4 hours away from my current location, and pretty soon, I'm going to be a lifetime away from this, and I can't wait. (Okay, the diary portion of this is over).

The small town mentality around here is rampant (which, if this is all one knows, it's understandable). However, I would advise everyone to atleast break out of that mentality for just one day and visit NYC, and if you don't like it, that's perfectly fine, but I just think it's important to just get out there and see what else is going on, even if it isn't for you.

Everyone always says how it is "so hard to make it" down there. First off, I don't know what "making it means". It's easy to navigate, even the Subway (Common sense is not a characteristic I list on the MySpace section 'About Me', and even I could do it). Yea, it's a big city, and this, is a small town. There are alot of people down there, and alot of people say its harder with such an enormous population. While I can see where they're coming from, I tend to disagree. With that many people, you don't have to prove anything, you can be who you are or who you want to be, and no one looks at you twice. In a small town, I think it's harder to "make it", because there's more pressure to be who everyone wants you to be, more focus is on the individual because the popluation is smaller. I don't want to prove anything, I don't want anyone looking at me twice, I just want to go to school and enjoy the city for what it is, save for the Yankees, of course.


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