If You Could See Inside...

Friday, December 28, 2007

Heart vs. Mind

"Life is like wrestling match; Love always wins"

-Tuesdays with Morrie

Inspiration does not pick and choose the time it decides to pay a visit. Prime example: About 3 minutes ago I was laying in bed, really looking forward to falling asleep, it's been a long day, I'm really comfortable, blah blah. But I couldn't stop thinking about some things you're about to read, and I knew I had to write something. Alas, here we are.

Inspiration is tied to several things; emotion, primarily, love. Inspiration is when you feel something kind of explode in your heart and logic is only a mere afterthought. When one experiences these explosions, the issue of right and wrong, or if whatever the source of the inspiration fits in your life or not, does not come into question. That explosion/emotion is there and you're feeling it no matter what.

Keep in mind, these explosions are not always felt with love, atleast in the conventional way. Sometimes, they can be especially terrifying. Last night I had a conversation with my boss about fun stuff (imagine!); designing my new office, blah blah. She knows I'm graduating college in May, and she asked me how long afterwards I plan on working for her. I have no idea. Miss Control Freak has no plan. Ideas, but no plan. Try to understand the horror here. Everyone has ideas, hell prisoners have ideas. But that doesn't mean they're going to bloody do anything about it.

Let me switch gears briefly. Going into college, I wanted to teach English. I love English, I love what it taught me and I want to share that. I got away from that for a while, and started going the pre-law route. I really like to argue, and I would love the money. I would also hate my life. My brain tells me to go for the money and the prestige law would give me, but my heart just isn't in it. In May, I'll have a degree in English.

Okay, back to the horror, the horror! (Conrad reference, anyone, anyone?). My whole life I've had this conflict between my head and my heart and I can only imagine that you may have as well. My head always puts up a good fight but in the end, my heart wins. The love you have for something always wins. And it's funny how it always works out, too. It may not seem so in the here and now, but once you let the heart's victory play out, you might think otherwise. Really makes you question fate, huh? Often, I think our heads tell us to stay where it's comfortable and safe (or warm, like my bed, where I was 20 minutes ago). Our hearts however, tell us to do what we really want, especially when our heads are scared. Even though my heart only has ideas at this point, I refuse to be a prisoner of my head. I'm not saying that one should just carelessly go with whatever their heart is telling them. I'm saying really consider each aspect, and own up and give in to your feelings. I know where my interest lies, and where my heart is. I know it does not involve insurance, but instead, spreading the love I have for literature, ane essentially, life, everywhere and anywhere I go.


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