If You Could See Inside...

Tuesday, November 06, 2007

Q & A

Do you feel unfulfilled? Are you always striving for more, and never reaching your goal (ha, you probably work for Allstate)? Do you sometimes feel less than your best, or worse yet, worthless? Do you move around, hoping to find something, anything? If you've even come close to a yes, great, maybe I can help!
Disclaimer: I offer no guarentees, so please don't slap me with a lawsuit saying my blog ruined your life.

Personally, I blame customer service hotlines. We have all these stupid hotlines available 24/7, regardless of holidays or nuclear attacks. These hotlines offer us the illusion that we can actually get an answer to some burning question we have about a new toaster, or insurance, or whatever the hell life comes at you with, all the time. We get so angry when the rep can't answer our question, I mean, it's a hotline for Christ's sake, they're supposed to have the answer. Now, we realize (rationally) that these people are allegedly trained to have answers, however, we are subconsciously conditioned to think that whenever we have an unsolved mystery, there will be a hotline to call or some creepy tv show as a medium to present and hopefully solve our problem with.

Review the title of this post. Questions and answers are always paired together, and assuming they go together is such a gamble. You can ask all the questions you want, but that doesn't mean there is going to be a Life Representative on the other end of the phone dealing out answers like cards in a poker game. I am such a mechanical person when it comes to all this, I see a question, I find an answer, something is broken, I fix it, something's lost, I find it. In the last few months, I think my heart broke, and I lost part of myself, and I'm at a loss of answers. Admitting all this isn't my style, but that's the only way to make it real and managable. Floundering for answers that are impossible to reach is no way to live life.

Even if we did get all the answers, the forbidden knowledge, what would we do? Take Marlowe's piece, Faustus, which is my favorite piece of literature of all time. Faustus obtained forbidden knowledge at the price of his soul, and after he had all this knowledge, he had nothing left to strive for. Instead, he used this supposed gift for petty bullshit. Maybe knowing all the answers isn't what life is all about. It seems like having faith, faith in general, faith in yourself, and in the betterment and satisfaction of your life is what is important. Somedays, I think we have to ignore the "how", and in the middle of the night, when you're restless, worry not, because at some point, it will be okay. If we don't believe that, then what else do we have?


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