If You Could See Inside...

Friday, September 07, 2007

The Peanut Butter and Jelly Conversations

I never had peanut butter and jelly until I was 12. I fully did not know what I was missing for those 12 horrendous (okay, I'm being a bit dramatic) years! So simple, but yet so good. And to think of all the different variations; smooth, crunchy, grape jelly, strawberry; the world of peanuts and fruit at your fingertips.

I have a serious appreciation for the peanut butter and jelly sandwich. It's not complicated, and you can always rely on it to be good. There are no secrets, no games. Sure, a steak once in a while is fine, but you're always wondering if that one had mad cow disease or if it is cooked just right; it gets a bit more tricky. Peanut butter and jelly presents a sense of normalicy. When you were a kid (or in my case, almost a freaking teenager) you may have moped when you knew mom was "just" making you pb & j for lunch. But when you become an adult (whatever the hell that means), and things become a little more complex, the sense of normality and also, even if it is just a sandwich, something can still be the same is so refreshing. And no, I"m not doing a commercial for Jiff, there is a point to this.

There are many different kinds of conversations you can have in a day, in a life. These types of conversations can include (but are not limited to, of course) what I like to call the Steak Conversations and the Peanut Butter and Jelly Conversations. The Steak Talks are heavier life talks that require alot of work and are sometimes a gamble because they involve really putting yourself out there; they often help you get through life. With these talks, since you may be taking such a risk, you're also hoping the other party involved doesn't have mad cow; I'm just sayin. The Peanut Butter and Jelly talks help you get through the day. They're lighter, more fun, and you can talk about anything without it being a big deal. Comparing a math problem to an English paper or about how hott Zac Efron is even if he is 14, these conversations can sometimes be what you need to get through the day with a smile on your face. If you can sit on the floor of your living room, eat some kind of pb&j, and have these talks, with notihing else, just yourself, that's a good day.


At 10:37 PM , Blogger Molly said...

1. I like smooth peanut butter. This is because I like the peanut butter and the jelly to be a homogeneous substance; i.e., I don't like to differentiate between the two, I just like one combined taste.

2. I like jelly with NO preserves, for the same reason mentioned above. No chunks. Chunks are bad.

3. I used to like potato bread (much to the disgust of Jeff Brown, as I seem to recall), but I'm getting into whole wheat now. It adds a little flavor and intrigue into the sandwich; same great taste in every bite but still enough uniqueness to mix it up a little.

4. Peanut butter and jelly sandwiches are the only sandwich I cut into triangles. It's just the way it's to be done, kind of like how coffee is drank in a mug, not a tall glass. It just doesn't work.

Why am I giving you the peanut butter and jelly spiel? I think all aspects of it go along with my personality. THUS, I could not agree more with this here blog.

First date advice: I don't want to know which presidential candidate you support. Your stance on gay marriage is really not an issue to me. Discussing traumatic deaths that have occurred in our pasts? Nah.

But how you like your PB&J sandwich? Fantastic.

At 6:08 PM , Blogger Andrea said...

Why couldn't you have been born a male?


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