Things I Have Recently Acquired to my Knowledge
Below I have listed some stuff I have, of late, learned:
1. Life is hard. My life is hard. Your life is hard. Everyone's life is hard. Questions? Objections? No? Didn't think so. Let's move on.
2. If you want shit to happen or change, you have to do something to prompt that. This usually involves some sort of a decision and/or action.
3. Today's pop music/movies/tv is totally bi-polar. (No wonder everyone in this generation has gone mental). Every song is either about a horrible relationship or incident, or it's about how crazy in love some bitch-ass hoe is. Most movies are about some terrible relationship (which can be found in the drama section of your local video store), or about some wonderful relationship blossoming (which can be found in the comedy section, with Freddie Prinze Jr's name attached). Both types are personal guilty pleasures, so I'm not trying to hate, I'm just saying. Further, consciously or subconsciously, women get it into their head (I'm saying only women because most men aren't emotionally capable of such thoughts, which is fine, they change oil and have large hands that give nice back rubs) that relationships are supposed to be a romantic comedy or, on the flip, a dramatic lets-all-throw-frying pans-at-eachother and drop F bombs extravaganza. Which is why I think this could legitimately be a factor in the high rates of failing relationships/marriages. We're not realistic from the get-go. It's not all Beyonce's fault, we buy the album. And it's good music. But what are we thinking? Oh, I mentioned TV is bi-polar too. I take that back, Flava of Love is on TV, and that's not bi-polar, that's stupidity with a giant fucking clock around it's neck.
4. Sorry, that rant took a little longer than I had originally planned.
5. So what does this all mean? I'm coming to a point in my life where I've wanted to be for so long, the ability to make a decision and move away from my current situation. Now that I'm there, I have several ideas, but not a decision, yet. After tearing apart each idea, I'm realizing that I can't compare these ideas to some ideal love song/movie/'s not realistic. I've been told that these sorts of decisions aren't like the ones on a High School exam, where you have multiple choices, and only one is right. (Man they don't look so bad right now). What is realistic is deciding on one, and going into it knowing you're going to wonder if another decision could have been the ideal love song when it's a hard day. But with whatever path you take, on the days when it's quite apparent life is not a romantic comedy, you think the choice you made is still enough to make you want to keep getting out of bed for the adventure, I think, is the most important element. Thinking involves ideas, but knowing requires a decision. I think I'd rather know.