If You Could See Inside...

Wednesday, December 13, 2006

The Beatles Knew Their Sh*t

Alright, so it's been brought to my attention that some of you actually read my nonsense, and thats really cool. However, I want to know what you people think about things. Despite the fact that I sound like I just customized my Prius and voted for Kerry, I care about what other people think (thats a sin this country, isn't it?). Regardless, I pose a question to you: What is love?

Before any of you who know me go Dr. Phil-ing why I'm asking this question, just consider it (and even if you ask why I'm not telling you the truth). What is love? Call me corny, I really could care less. I want to know what this means to you people, to everyone. How can we sing about it, and know it's all we need, if we don't know what it is? Maybe we're not supposed to, who knows, but I'd like to know what it means in relation to people around me.

If you have insight to offer, and you better, I'd muchly appreciate an e-mail (andi1889@yahoo.com). It will only take 2 minutes of your time and it never hurts to think about things like this (can you tell I telemarket to pay the bills?) You don't have to tell me who you are or any nonsense like that, tell me you're Osama for all I care, just tell me something real. There's nothing you can say but you can learn how to play the game. It’s easy.

Friday, December 08, 2006


I've got my friends, and I've got me
But you don't think this is about you
The picture frames will remain empty
Reaching the Unpardonable Sin is impossible
Reviving what was never alive
Is nothing less than a waste of time
But you don't think this is about you
Extracting blood from a stone can't be done
That's okay - she can do this alone

I woke up this morning.
What a beautiful sun!
Placed higher than the hollow hills,
Laying across layers of leaves and trees,
It is fantastic, it pours into the rest of the planet
However, it is alone.
You'll never know this is about us.

Tuesday, December 05, 2006

Every Passing Moment is Another Chance..

To turn it all around. Blah blah, another silly chinese proverb or some nonsense in a fortune cookie. But it's true. People let things, ideas, emotions, slip through the cracks everyday. While we can't dwell on things, we can't just ignore feelings either.

So many people are afraid to feel something real. They close themselves off from everything and everyone until what they feel no longer exists. That's a sad, lonely world to live in. And I'm not critcizing these people, I am the OJ Simpson of this crime. But I'm tired of it. Even if I'm sad or angry, happy, whatever, I just want to feel something. I want to reach someone at the end of the day. Numb, idle people who just float through life will never truly live.

Sure, I think the point of life is to pursue happiness. But before we do that, we have to know what happiness is, and to know that, we have to allow ourselves to feel something real. Cry like you mean it, or even better, smile like you mean it.