My Letter to Santa Claus
Dear Mr. Claus-
My name is Andrea, I'm from upstate New York, and although I don't necessarily think I've been naughty this year, I would not categorize my behavior as nice. That is not the point of this letter. I actually have a bone to pick with you. It has occured to me, (and hopefully everyone else that is reading this) that you are not real. This has struck me in quite a curious way, and I felt the need to hash it out in writing.
Now, if we want to be specific, I have known you do not exist for quite some time. When I was seven, I asked my brother if he believed in you. My brother could be the worst liar I've ever met, and while his intentions were good, he screwed that one up. (Don't worry Chris, I'm over it). However, at seven years old I tried my best to ignore my brother's poor attempts at lying, and continued to believe. As I grew older, I realized my parents were also bad liars, as the gift tag had the same distinctive hand writing that my mother had. But whatever, I can handle that too.
Here's my issue: Your alleged purpose is to bring good cheer to families, however, you are not real. So what the devil do you think you're doing, or not doing, for that matter? As people get older, they tend to stop getting as excited about Christmas, and it's about the younger, little ones, as they still believe. But I think that Christmas time is a season everyone should take advantage of, to believe in the spirit of you, and to experience good cheer. So that's what I'm asking for this year, for people to just enjoy themselves and those around them.
PS - if the whole good cheer for mankind thing doesn't work out, I'd also enjoy a Nintendo Wii, just sayin.