For Better, or for Worse? And when did this have to become a question?
"Until death, or atleast until the next seven years are up, do us part". So German politician Gabriele Pauli is suggesting Germany pass a law that would null and void marriage agreements every 7 years, unless the couple wanted to renew, and it that case, they could. Hm, yeah, does anyone else consider this a little disenheartening, or am I the only asshole?
In one of my classes, we held a discussion about the institution of marriage. When the professor introuduced this German proposal, many in the class laughed. I didn't. I think this is ridiculous and I made that quite clear. The professor responded with, "Well our culture is hyper accelerated". So the fact that as human beings, we're changing so quickly that we cannot commit to anything, and above all things, this includes marriage? I don't think so.
Disclaimer: This is not about being a Republican and shoving the Bible in anyone's face. I don't care about that. This is also not an attack on anyone (or their parents) who have gottten divorced. If it doesn't work out, it doesn't work out. But can't we be a little more optomistic? I think our pop-culture has run away with realism and turned it into cynicsm. I'm being cynical complaining about it. I understand our culture has changed in countless aspects post WWII, from which I feel the change has orginated. And I also understand that we do have to be realistic that because of these changes (i.e. women's role in society, the workplace, the definition of family becoming a little different/loose), the institution of marriage will coincide. And that's all fine and good, but I don't think that these changes should cause such an anticipation of divorce.
Once I expressed my distaste for such a train of thought, the alleged professor looked at me and said, "So let me guess, you're a Romantic, right?" In that you poor soul kind of way. Yeah well fuck that, I am a romantic and I'm tired of putting on a cynical front to fit in with our alleged society. Is it so bad to want to be with one person who you actually love and loves you back for your whole life? I'm not ready to do this tomorow and you don't have to be either, but what is so wrong with the idea?